
Professionalità e Trasparenza.

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Contacts of the Bonato law firm

The contacts of the Bonato Law Firm are at your disposal to make an appointment.

The Law firm offices are present in three locations, with a unique telephone number:

02/ 39627829

The Law firm offices are at:




Via Borromei, 2 – 20149 MILAN

Via G.P. Da Palestrina, 63 – 00193

Paseo de la Castellana, 141-8

Contacts of the Bonato law firm
Contacts of the Bonato law firm

The headquarter of the Bonato Law Firm is located in Milan, in the Cordusio area.

The location makes it easily accessible by public transport, as the Cordusio metro stop is a two-minute walk from the law firm and is served by the red M1 line.

The law firm is easily accessible by car,  thanks to the nearby exit from the ring road.

The law firm is located in C zone  and has a convenient paid parking in the immediate vicinity.


The e-mail to which you can contact the Law Firm is:

The official professional profiles on social media are:

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